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About blog and me

My main motivation for creating this blog was to break the common misconception many people have about frontend tech:

  • Frontend is only about building web pages (hello to the good old days when people used HTML+CSS in JSPX/ASPX pages)
  • The design scope for frontend engineers is only limited to fixing styles of the button
  • Frontend is easy – even my grandma can do it (I somewhat agree that level to break into frontend tech became much easier now with the tremendous growth of the number of bootcamps available but it does not mean that getting to the expertise level is easy)

However, it does not mean this blog will be only about frontend. I might mix it with general software engineering stuff, Node.js, Cloud engineering, DevOps, Leadership, etc – something I am also pretty experienced with and love to play around with.

I still have not decided how frequently I will be updating this blog but will try to treat it professionally.

About myself

My name is Ildar.

I am a software engineer with more than a decade of experience in the industry – used to work at startups as well as big tech (Microsoft, Amazon, Apple) where could learn and teach others how to build high-quality and resilient software. Have experience working in the capacity of Tech Lead and building and scaling teams (as a founding engineer at AWS built frontend team from the size of 1 to 15) and successfully multiply the work.

Other facts about me:

  • Effective cross-functional team collaborator – led many successful cross-team initiatives and integrations.
  • Even though the main focus throughout my career was on frontend tech, I am not limited only to this stack. I consider myself a full-stack, have built real customer-facing systems end to end, and am always ready to roll my sleeves to do some backend design and development. But I have a real passion for the frontend – hence, my career is focused primarily on this direction (but I will always consider interesting backend/full-stack opportunities if offered)
  • Skilled in JavaScript/Typescript/NodeJS/Java (Programming languages), Angular/React/Redux/Svelte/Tailwind/StyledComponents/RxJs (Framework and Libraries), Jest/Enzyme/React Testing Library/Cypress/JUnit/Mockito (Testing), HTML/CSS, Cloud Engineering (❤️ AWS), Domain-Driven Design, DevOps, and Situational Leadership.
  • Cloud technologies are close to my heart after 8+ years of using various cloud services as a developer and building & launching cloud service (AWS Backup) from scratch
  • Fan of micro-frontend and micro-service architectures, serverless computing, clean code, and reactive programming.
  • Try to self-learn whenever have free time and follow the latest technologies and conversations.
  • Making baby steps in AI/ML (see completed certifications in the section below)

My resume

Trophy Stand

Advanced Machine Learning on Google Cloud


Production Machine Learning Systems

Computer Vision Fundamentals with Google Cloud

Natural Language Processing on Google Cloud

Recommendation Systems on Google Cloud

Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps)


Introduction to Machine Learning in Production

Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production

Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production

Deploying Machine Learning Models in Production

Deep Learning


Sequence Models

Neural Networks and Deep Learning

Structuring Machine Learning Projects

Convolutional Neural Networks

Machine Learning


Supervised Machine Learning: Regression and Classification

Advanced Learning Algorithms

Unsupervised Learning, Recommenders, Reinforcement Learning

AWS Knowledge: Serverless

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