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Favorite Quotes

"Your junior engineers are future senior engineers. Give them the space to learn, and opportunities to do hands-on work and solve increasingly difficult problems"—The Staff Engineer's Path
"Your organization, codebase, and production environment probably existed before you joined them. They’ll probably exist after you move on. Don’t optimize for now at the cost of future velocity or engineering ability. It’s OK to plant some seeds that you won’t personally see grow."—The Staff Engineer's Path
"Your organization, codebase, and production environment probably existed before you joined them. They’ll probably exist after you move on. Don’t optimize for now at the cost of future velocity or engineering ability. It’s OK to plant some seeds that you won’t personally see grow."—The Staff Engineer's Path
"Your signature should come to be recognized as an indicator of quality. People should see your name on a piece of code and expect it to be solid, well written, tested, and documented. A really professional job. Written by a professional."By The Pragmatic Programmer: your journey to mastery, 20th Anniversary Edition, 2nd Edition
"Your software delivery lifecycle starts with an engineer’s keyboard and finishes in production. The stability of your software depends on the optimization of the path from keyboard to production."Serverless Development on AWS
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