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Favorite Quotes

"[Data] Engineering is increasingly a discipline of interoperation, and connecting various technologies like LEGO bricks, to serve ultimate business goals."By Fundamentals of Data Engineering
"“All men have fears, but the brave put down their fears and go forward, sometimes to death, but always to victory” was the motto of the King’s Guard in ancient Greece."How to Win Friends and Influence People: Updated For the Next Generation of Leaders
(About design document) "The “alternatives considered” section is where you demonstrate (to yourself and others!) that you’re here to solve the problem and you aren’t just excited about the solution. If you find yourself omitting this section because you didn’t consider any alternatives, that’s a signal that you may not have thought the problem through"—The Staff Engineer's Path
“A good Three Bullets and a Call to Action email contains (at most) three bullet points detailing the issue at hand, and one—and only one—call to action. That’s it, nothing more—you need to write an email that can be easily forwarded along. If you ramble or put four completely different things in the email, you can be certain that they’ll pick only one thing to respond to, and it will be the item that you care least about. Or worse, the mental overhead is high enough that your mail will get dropped entirely.”— Debugging Teams
“Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand."Martin Fowler
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